Saturday, January 05, 2008

Gotta love those pregnancy midnight snacks! I am up at what is now 1am eating a bowl of cereal. I originally woke up to go to the bathroom for the 3rd time since going to bed about an hour before. Ahhhh, the end weeks of pregnancy are always the most comfortable and resting!! In fantasy land maybe! But not in my world.
I am now 39 weeks pregnant. I have about another week to three weeks to go. This baby is feeling like maybe he or she will weigh more than Big Man did when he was born. He was my first and he was born at 40 weeks and 5 days weighing 9 pounds and 15.4 ounces at 21 inches long. I can't wait to see how big this baby will be. My belly button is starting to pop to an outie, which I have never had with my previous 2. Even with me getting so huge in pregnancy with Big Man. I have just about surpassed my weight with this pregnancy, but do not look half as big than I did with Big Man. My final weight with him was 167 pounds and I am now sitting at 166 pounds with this baby. And 2 weeks earlier than Big Man. This pregnancy was much more healthier than his though. Being my 3rd, I would think I should learn by now how to have a healthy pregnancy! Some women though, never learn. Or don't care, which is even more sad.
Well, off to bed before I freeze my patoodie off! I have the air conditioner set at a cold 63 at night because otherwise I wake up and cannot sleep because of it being too hot! My poor family sleep all bundled up under the covers. Then when we wake up I set the heater on to 74 for during the day. Gotta love those pregnancy hormones. My heater works too well at night, but not well enough during the day. The last 2 weeks, I haven't been able to shake the coldness off after I wake up. It takes me half the day to warm my insides back up even though during the night I'm borderline too hot. Doesn't make sense to me. I'll be glad to be back to my normal body temperature again. And I'm sure my family will be too!!

Good night all!

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