Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2009 Obama Inauguration
Today is the long awaited day for so many hopeful Americans. I didn't vote for him. I do want to say though, that although I did not vote for this man, he is my President now. I support every single one of my Presidents. It is not an easy office. There is a reason why they are the ones in that office at that time they are in office. He has spoken of many hopes and dreams of many people. I hope that he can follow through on them. I also hope so many blessings and opportunities for the Obama girls.
As the country stands still for the Inauguration speech, the whole world watches.
I can tell you from personal knowledge that even though the new Commander in Chief is being sworn in, his military is not stopping any work to watch. The military never sleeps nor stops functioning. This man is my Commander in Chief. My husband has to go and do what Obama commands him. Let there be wisdom and compassion in each one of Obama's decisions. The weight of the world, literally, is affected by our President's decisions.
Beautiful benediction.
Go to Whitehouse.gov

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