Here is my baby sleeping. I know most of you have seen a sleeping baby before. So you might be asking yourself why this momma of 5 children is taking a pictures of her baby sleeping. Well, it goes like this. This baby doesn't sleep without his mommy very often. I'm amazed that he's still sleeping right now in the same exact spot at this picture! It's been over 5 minutes! It's been almost an hour now. See, this particular cutie is breastfed (as all mine were at this age) and the only spot he prefers is snuggled on my booby or actually breastfeeding. Any other position just will not do for this little man. So if I can get him to sleep while me NOT holding him, that leaves my hands free to take precious pictures while I can!
Hence, why I kept him in the carseat. I know it's not good for his spine to stay like that. He won't be like this very often. We came back from the store getting some groceries. We were out of a few necessities. Now this momma can write this blog post and then get something to eat before it's time to feed again.
Look at this little cutie. I caught her sitting in this basket drawer but by the time I came back with the camera she was standing. This is her favorite play time now. She takes the kitchen towels out of this and then takes the lining out. You can see it off to the left of the standing princess. Then she'll sit in it and then sing. LOL. Such the cutie! This wicker basket drawer thingy I got when we were stationed in Japan. I bought it out in town at a Japanese store. It was like a Japanese version of Target with many floors. This store had 3 or 4 floors. It's been some time ago and I don't really remember which it was. I've used it for various things in my home throughout the years. Right now it serves to hold my kitchen dish rags, kitchen hand towels, and the top drawer is just a baby bib drawer.
I just HAD to take a picture of this cute little outfit! My little slugger! Both of my handsome men. The only one I'm missing in this picture is the 8 year old slugger. He's not into mom taking pictures of him anymore. The only way I can get him in a picture now is to be with his little brother whom he absolutely ADORES! But he was too busy watching the movie on tv to be bothered with a picture. Kids.
She is only 14 months old, but she is just as much a toddler as my 2 year old is. She just can't talk yet.
I am finding that it is harder than I thought having a baby and a 1 year old. This is the closest of my babies in years. It's just shy of 2 years between this girl and the 2 year old. (She's almost 3.) But this time, I have 2 babies. One can walk, thank goodness, but can't go down the stairs by herself. And only because I don't want her falling so I haven't been letting her. She climbs onto the tops of all the tables. She scoots chairs to where she wants to go. She climbs to the tops of the back of the couch. Anywhere she can get her little leg up to, she's up on. I'm so thankful that she still naps. She is only napping once a day, but I still need her to take that one to give mommy a break. Daddy is still off so having him home has helped tremendously! But I need to figure out how to keep the home from being a wreck, laundry kept up, and keeping up with the needs of my 2 babies and diapers changed on all 3. Whew! That sounds like a lot even without the extra cleaning that needs to be done on top of that! Right now, we are only sweeping the kitchen and dining room, mopping, and vacuuming the downstairs. That's it! That's all we have time for. Dishes are like 2-3 loads a day! Which that won't be so many once Daddy goes back to work. (Two weeks from now.)
So in light of the upcoming schedule with Daddy going back to work, I am going to try to get little guy on a routine. I did it with baby girl, but I also stopped breastfeeding her and switched to formula in her second month. Way too early, but I had to have surgery. So with this one, I want to keep at it as long as possible. Sometimes I think it would just be so much easier and I could get so much more done around the house if I just switched to formula and brought the swing out of the garage. But then I realize that I wouldn't be as bonded with him and my milk supply would dwindle. Both things I am not ready to battle yet. I think in a month or so, around the 3 month mark, I could start introducing more. My milk supply is so sensitive that I need baby to be on me for the first few months in order to establish a good strong supply that won't diminish later when changes to the routines happen. The only thing is that waiting that long is hard for me. I want to get up and get stuff done and get the errands done and keep up on the organization and cleaning. But I have to rest and not try to be supermom.
Okay folks. Baby is starting to stir and I still need to grab a bite to eat. Love y'all. And don't forget to take some time out of the busy shopping, decorating, errands to run, and just BE with your loved ones!
1 comment:
They are adorable!!!! I totally used to leave Ellie in her carseat if she was out. Any extra quiet time is always much needed. :) XOXO
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